Friday, July 16, 2010

Featured...personally moved

Please see

There are two things I stumbled upon about 6 years ago: blog reading and making jewelry. I realize it was a way of escape as I think about what was going on then (I know you are resting in peace baby girl). There was blog surfing when I couldn't sleep and jewelry-making in the day. Now to me they've become more than incidental escapes but beloved pasttimes.

The blogs I read are purposeful. I find the writers to be encouraging, motivational and real. (I hesitate telling them so I won't seem stalkerish...ha). The jewelry has become love letters of sorts. Sometimes the letters are to people (as they remind me of individuals) or places or times in my life.

This morning how tickled I was to awake (again can't sleepy now cuz I'm hot...growl!) to find an intersection where these things in my life joined for a moment while reading Tina's blog. Can't explain the feeling. Thank you ladies.

- Posted from mobile device

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