Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Advice heard and taken

Does it irritate you when someone asks you for advice, but they don't take it?

I have been asking advice on a running shoe for weeks. My mother witnessed one of my treadmill sessions (including the burning feet) and pulled rank and I finally got a shoe. I've been running no less than 6 days a week since April 9. Since then I've lost 28 pounds and plan to continue this exercise schedule for an entire year. People ask what is my weight or size goal and I honestly don't have one. My prayer to God has been that He help me change my lifestyle and my thoughts around food and exercise. Food, I love. Exercise, I hate. And a thyroid problem and a very low metabolism is not a good mix.

It is heavy on my heart to commit to at least 6 days a week of exercise for a full year. After that to move to a consistent 3 times a week. Again, no size goal (although it will be fun to be able to put my wedding dress on in a few weeks) but a mind change.

Back to the advice.... Everyone suggested Asics... Even the lady at the store. I took the advice and wow! Who knew!? Well, you knew! Ha. I felt the difference IMMEDIATELY. So, thank you from my heart AND my feet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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